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a Ki Ki with the K e l s e y s
the shooting gallery

The best way to end...
...a refined evening out.

If this guy thinks I'm interested...
...well maybe after 4 more vodka sodas.

the morning after
Did she steal my oreos?

let's have a KiKi!
a KiKi with the Kelseys

You damn cykas!
That's one bitchy Russian.

Fantastic Film Crew
On location at Boots and Saddles, a West Village staple.

Beautiful People
On location at Boots and Saddles, where there's a drag show every night!

Kelsey is a mermaid

Fuck if I know!
The wisdom of Terra Hyman.

You call this a garden?
Filming at home in Washington Heights

Mmmm, look at that guy's arms...
Kelsey's one track mind.

That dog looks like my manager.
High a.f.


Jesus, these bitches never shut up.
Let's get a drink.

Do you even vape bro?
Do you? a KiKi with the Kelseys
the Kelseys
a day in the life of a KiKi
My friend Kelsey Olafson and I wrote, directed, and starred in a web short called
"a KiKi with the Kelseys"
that's in the process of being edited, right now.
We had help from wonderful friends, including
NYC drag superstar Terra Hyman!
For more info on where to see our fabulous friend,
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